I can't connect to wifi, or I can't access the internet

Device Troubleshooting

Ian D.

Last Update 3 years ago

If you haven't purchased your hotspot/router from Travel Data: 

The best, and simplest way to resolve many small issues to power off your device (and remove the battery if possible) for approximately 30 seconds. After this time has passed, you can (re-install the battery if it was removed) power the device back on. We also recommend performing a factory reset of the device if the wifi has stopped broadcasting, or you can't see the wifi network on your computer/mobile device.

You should also verify that you have at least 2 bars of LTE service, and are connecting to the APN: Broadband if using AT&T, or fast.tmobile.com -or- fast.t-mobile.com (depending on device) on the T-Mobile network.

If you HAVE purchased your hotspot/router from Travel Data: 

The best, and simplest way to resolve many small issues to power off your device (and remove the battery if possible) for approximately 30 seconds. After this time has passed, you can (re-install the battery if it was removed) power the device back on.

If this does not resolve your connection issue, please chat with us for additional assistance. 

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